
Bidder Registry has only valid Auction Companies that are part of our marketplace. We require all our clients to have a valid auctioneer or auction firm license or have an employee or staff member who holds a valid auctioneer license. To provide assurance to our bidders about the professionalism, standards, and common practice of our clients, BIDDER REGISTRY AND ASSOCIATED COMPANIES requires all clients to meet one or more of the following requirements:

[New Entrants] Additional Requirements:

We expect all our clients to operate in accordance with licensing requirements and applicable state federal and id applicable offshore companies’ laws. We recognize under some unique circumstances an auction house may not be able to meet these criteria. In those circumstances we will work to certify auction houses that have a proven and positive track record operating as an auction house. In addition, we reserve the right to reject any application at our own discretion.  Please understand the requirements before completing the form below: